Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Shop Haier America-3.3cf FridgewFreezer 2Door VS


Haie 3.3 Cu. F. Compa Refigeao/Feeze i bak wih viua see doo; Compesso Cooig povides efigeaed empeaues as od as 34 degees F, iudes a feeze ompame, ad is ess affeed by hages i oom empeaue ha hemoeei ooig; Ieio igh o oae iems quiky; Dispese-a-Ca Soage povides quik ad easy aess o a od a of you favoie dik; Soe 2 ie ad ohe a boes easiy i doo ompame; Spaious soage fo foze eas ad meas, wih a sepaae exeio doo; Cea Cispe Dawe o see avaiabe podue a a gae; Gass Sheves wih soid, wipe-abe sufae maximizes food soage aea ad keeps iems i pae; Figepi esisa saiess see appeaae; 19.1" W x 19.5" D x 33.88" H, 62.8 bs.


  • 2 refrigerator door shelves

Customer Reviews

4 out of 5 stars Fridge
delores gonzalez

It was more than I expected it to be; I live in a room and it fits perfect. Its a great price for a mini fridge I would recommend this to my friends. Nice

1 out of 5 stars Avoid this maker of junk units!!
Brian P. O'neill

Compete junk! Refrigerator failed inside the warranty period and Haier did nothing to assist or to amend the issue. The freezer was fine, the refrigerator warmed over spoiling the food. Attempts to get resolution were frustrating and company did not care. Found out multiple owners are experiencing similar one-sided or full failures and also felt the units are junk and the company response was equally terrible. AVOID Haier, find another company. Model unit was HNDE03VS. Will never purchase this brand name again.-certified owner.

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